Lost In Paradise

I was invited to a party in Birmingham last night, and on my way, I stopped at this wonderful florist shop called “Blossoms” on Woodward Avenue. Immediately I was in heaven…hundreds of scented candles, gorgeous arrangements, a freezer of blooms the size of a ball room. It was enchanting. My two treasures were a white flowering kale, and this tulip stem. This is one of the most beautiful tulips I’ve ever seen, but then again, most of the florists carry the basic tulip. I think I need to save up and go to Holland. Honestly, I could be among tulips for hours and never grow bored. They make me smile. Here are a few shots of the tulip that came home with me yesterday…










~ by catherineross on February 6, 2010.

3 Responses to “Lost In Paradise”

  1. It is LOVELY!!

  2. I’ve never seen tulips like this! Thank you for sharing your discovery with us!
    love and peace, Lisa K.

  3. Your photos are mesmerizing!
    ♥ ♥ ♥!

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